Monday, August 14, 2023

Now An Adult

It has been since 2016, which isn't as long ago as it feels.

In the short past 7 years, much has changed, most notable event being the birth of my daughter, Madeline. 

Also, during this time, I have grown-up.

I think a lot of it had to do with becoming honest with myself, and once I successfully practiced that, I was able to be honest with others. Life as an adult is more present. It's harder in big picture ways, but it is more manageable. I understand why I was a child for so long. There is such virtue in simplicity.

I spend my time with a focus on the beauty around me. I try to notice trees and see what the clouds look like today. I listen for birds and garden on my little Brooklyn Balcony. My favorite thing to do is to go on adventures with Madeline.

I think I'll post some short stories here, or pieces on which I am working. Maybe you'll find a connection in my words, and I hope that makes you feel like you are not alone.

Maybe I'll make you mad. I can control what I say, but I cannot control how you react to it.

Either way, good to see you again.

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